Our Mysore program is based at Ashtanga Yoga Edinburgh at 3a Montgomery St Lane, EH7 5JT.

Traditional & progressive teachings of the Ashtanga Vinyasa system support you at any stage of your life.

Our Mysore program operates both in-studio and online daily with a dedicated team of supportive teachers and community of friendly practitioners.  

All are welcome!

The Zoom details for all Mysore offerings are on: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6447661797.  

Please sign in with Momence in advance for all classes.

What is a Mysore Program?

A "Mysore" program is the traditional way to learn Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.
See the descriptions below to breakdown what you would expect from each class.

All Levels Mysore - style

  • We call our Mysore style classes, all levels because they truly are.

    In this environment you learn the Ashtanga practice 1:1 within a group setting, at a pace that is relevant for you.

    In the Mysore room you will see daily practitioners of 25+ years and 2 weeks practicing side by side. All bodies, ability, ages, sizes, genders are welcome.

    Some students practices are 30 mins long, while others are 2hrs. Know that you can arrive and leave anytime within the time-slot of a Mysore class.

    We run Mysore style 6 days a week with both morning and evening options.

Led Class

  • Our led style Ashtanga Vinyasa classes provide rhythm and structure to your regular practice. Everyone moves together with detail instructions on the postures and breath from the experienced teacher.

    Not for total beginners, our half, full primary and intermediate series are a weekly offering on our program's schedule.


  • We love Beginners!

    Are you ready to learn a life-long practice of much physical and mental benefit?

    We have specific monthly intensives, weekly beginners specific sessions that you might enjoy starting with or you can dive right into the Mysore room if you have a little Ashtanga experience.

    View our upcoming Beginners courses here.

Beyond the postures

  • We very much believe there's more to yoga than just the shapes you can make with you body.

    We teach prānāyāma, chanting, philosophy, hold monthly community conferences and book groups to invite more depth, debate and discussion to your study.

Mysore Program Schedule

Please note: There is no Mysore practice on Full or New Moon.

Mysore Connected: there will be free livestream from the in-person room for those that would like to practice with community- please use the Zoom code above.


07:00-10:30 | Mysore in-person

08:30-10:15 | Mysore online

10:40-11:30 | Sunday Sangha : Philosophy & chanting (hybrid)

Monthly Beginners Introduction workshop (see “workshops” in the booking link)


06:30-09:30 | Mysore in-person

09:30-11:00 | Led full primary (hybrid)

17:15-19:15 | Mysore in-person


06:30-11:00 | Mysore in-person

10:30 | Mysore Beginners Course (see Courses)

07:00-08:45 | Mysore online


06:30-09:30 | Mysore in-person

07:00-08:45 | Mysore online

09:30-10:45 | Led half primary (hybrid)

17:15-19:15 | Mysore in-person

19:15-20:15 | Mysore beginners Course


06:30-11:00 | Mysore in-person

10:30 | Mysore Beginners Course (see Courses)

07:00-08:45 | Mysore online


06:45-08:15 | Led full primary or intermediate (hybrid)

08:15-08:45 | Pranayama & chanting (hybrid)

08:45-10:15 | Mysore in-person

17:15-19:15 | Mysore in-person


Monthly online only led primary

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Simply download Momence booking app (iOS here, and Android here), set up your account, and reserve your space in any class you wish.

    All of our online classes are on the same Zoom details are are not emailed out beforehand: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6447661797 There is a waiting room enabled.

  • - Please bathe before practicing

    - Out of town guests, welcome! Please have a small discussion with the teacher before you start.

    - Please let the teacher know of any injuries you may have or if you are pregnant or if you would or would not like to be physically adjusted.

    - We encourage women to listen to their menstrual cycle and take rest where needed.

    - Please respect the practice times.

    - Settle all payments before class

    - You can bring a small bag of valuables into the room, but phones off/silent and if you have to use them (i.e. parent or on-call doctor) please go to the reception area.

    - There are no morning classes on Full and New Moons; 'Moon Days' and a restorative Yin class offered (Evening Mysore does not follow Moon Days and will run as usual) Read more details HERE.

  • This is an important discussion between yourself and your teacher. We will always ask you if you are comfortable with an assist and always encourage you to share with us openly if it doesn’t feel good. In the Mysore setting, you will observe that lots of the teaching can be verbal, kinetic and physical. The relationship of student and teacher is paramount to our community here at Meadowlark and always invite dialogue so that you feel safe in your practice.

  • Yes, we are always happy to talk about this.

    Since more of this information at Pattabhi Jois' abuse "came to light" in 2017 during the #metoo movement we have been addressing these issues and talking to our community and making actions around the subject. We will still always talk about Pattabhi Jois as an intrinsic part of the history and lineage of the practice but are sensitive to how we do this within our community.

    Please always talk to the Mysore team teachers about this openly at any point also.

    As well as being able to openly speak to you teacher, we also have consent cards and additional paper where you could write a confidential note to the teacher and place it beside your mat in the room. This allows dialogue to happen without it being public or verbal between you and your teacher.

    Online Mysore you are invited to use the private chat feature on Zoom also.

    All of our main Mysore teachers have undertaken an 50 hour Trauma informed training with Edinburgh Community Yoga. Although they are not certified Trauma facilitators (TCTSY-F) we try to create "safer" spaces and teaching methods in our community.

  • Good question.

    We write "Mysore team" on our booking system as the mysore program is made up of 4 senior teachers and 5 assistants.


    Emma Isokivi, our Level 2 authorised Mysore program director teaches the morning program.

    Vanessa Rigby late (9:30am) morning Mysore.

    Karen Kirkness, guest teaches. Currently Tuesday 06:30.

    Kirsten Waugh, teaches the evening program.

    Amy Hughes, teaches the online Mysore program.

  • Please wear clean, comfortable, breathable fabrics that allow you to move.

  • This practice is designed to bring you more wellness and steadiness to your mind and body. It will challenge you on lots of different levels and allow you to take some of that learning into your everyday life. If done mindfully allow you to make your life fuller and easier.

    In our Mysore community we aim to find benefits that are more than physical and invite us to explore other aspects of the practice.

  • For general Mysore administration: info@ashtangayogaedinburgh.co.uk

    If you want to get in touch with a specific teacher, we will forward your email to them directly.